All of AWS, Azure and Google Cloud are providing some kind of free tier to the users. I am always wondering how those free tier VPS performance looks like. I did some bench work to test them out.

Here is the method and result.

Bench script: provides a nice and a single command for you to run this script on your VPS.

Commands to run this script:

(curl -s | bash; curl -s | bash) 2>&1 | tee nench.log
(wget -qO- | bash; wget -qO- | bash) 2>&1 | tee nench.log

Basically this benchmark script will do following tasks:

  • get system info
  • benchmark the processor and memory (both single and multi core)
  • benchmark the disk
  • benchmark networking

AWS Free Tier 
Ubuntu 18.04 – Type t2.micro, vCPU 1, Memory 1GiB, Storage EBS only

------------------------------------------------- v2019.03.01 --
 benchmark timestamp:    2019-03-01 16:02:20 UTC

Processor:    Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2676 v3 @ 2.40GHz
CPU cores:    1
Frequency:    2399.859 MHz
RAM:          983M
Swap:         -
Kernel:       Linux 4.15.0-1021-aws x86_64

loop0   87.9M  HDD
loop1   12.7M  HDD
xvda      8G  SSD

CPU: SHA256-hashing 500 MB
    3.282 seconds
CPU: bzip2-compressing 500 MB
    5.570 seconds
CPU: AES-encrypting 500 MB
    1.663 seconds

ioping: seek rate
    min/avg/max/mdev = 249.4 us / 353.0 us / 5.39 ms / 151.4 us
ioping: sequential read speed
    generated 1.47 k requests in 5.00 s, 366.2 MiB, 292 iops, 73.2 MiB/s

dd: sequential write speed
    1st run:    64.66 MiB/s
    2nd run:    61.32 MiB/s
    3rd run:    61.13 MiB/s
    average:    62.37 MiB/s

IPv4 speedtests
    your IPv4:    54.163.88.xxxx

    Cachefly CDN:         60.98 MiB/s
    Leaseweb (NL):        6.55 MiB/s
    Softlayer DAL (US):   23.52 MiB/s (FR):      4.98 MiB/s
    OVH BHS (CA):         22.21 MiB/s

No IPv6 connectivity detected

Azure Free Services 
Size B1S , vCPU 1, Memory 1GiB, Max IOPS 400.

------------------------------------------------- v2019.03.01 --
 benchmark timestamp:    2019-03-01 16:04:44 UTC

Processor:    Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2673 v4 @ 2.30GHz
CPU cores:    1
Frequency:    2294.687 MHz
RAM:          922M
Swap:         -
Kernel:       Linux 4.15.0-1037-azure x86_64

sda     30G  HDD
sdb      4G  HDD

CPU: SHA256-hashing 500 MB
    3.527 seconds
CPU: bzip2-compressing 500 MB
    5.900 seconds
CPU: AES-encrypting 500 MB
    1.759 seconds

ioping: seek rate
    min/avg/max/mdev = 40.5 us / 1.64 ms / 48.8 ms / 8.03 ms
ioping: sequential read speed
    generated 476 requests in 5.03 s, 119 MiB, 94 iops, 23.6 MiB/s

dd: sequential write speed
    1st run:    17.07 MiB/s
    2nd run:    17.07 MiB/s
    3rd run:    17.07 MiB/s
    average:    17.07 MiB/s

IPv4 speedtests
    your IPv4:    52.168.16.xxxx

    Cachefly CDN:         74.85 MiB/s
    Leaseweb (NL):        19.27 MiB/s
    Softlayer DAL (US):   42.60 MiB/s (FR):      17.30 MiB/s
    OVH BHS (CA):         50.53 MiB/s

No IPv6 connectivity detected

GCP Always Free Tier  
Ubuntu 18.04 , type f1-micro, 1vCPU, 0.6 GB Memory

------------------------------------------------- v2019.03.01 --
 benchmark timestamp:    2019-03-01 16:02:49 UTC

Processor:    Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.30GHz
CPU cores:    1
Frequency:    2300.000 MHz
RAM:          581M
Swap:         -
Kernel:       Linux 4.15.0-1027-gcp x86_64

loop0     91M  HDD
loop1   55.7M  HDD
sda     10G  HDD

CPU: SHA256-hashing 500 MB
    3.259 seconds
CPU: bzip2-compressing 500 MB
    5.633 seconds
CPU: AES-encrypting 500 MB
    1.280 seconds

ioping: seek rate
    min/avg/max/mdev = 363.8 us / 7.42 ms / 63.7 ms / 10.9 ms
ioping: sequential read speed
    generated 2.47 k requests in 5.00 s, 617.8 MiB, 493 iops, 123.5 MiB/s

dd: sequential write speed
    1st run:    35.76 MiB/s
    2nd run:    35.86 MiB/s
    3rd run:    35.86 MiB/s
    average:    35.83 MiB/s

IPv4 speedtests
    your IPv4:    35.196.31.xxxx

    Cachefly CDN:         94.34 MiB/s
    Leaseweb (NL):        18.63 MiB/s
    Softlayer DAL (US):   30.92 MiB/s (FR):      13.99 MiB/s
    OVH BHS (CA):         9.03 MiB/s

No IPv6 connectivity detected

I put all results in a table to do a comparison. Green color is the winner on that item.

————————————————- v2019.03.01 —
 benchmark timestamp:    2019-03-01 16:02:20 UTC

Processor:    Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU
E5-2676 v3 @ 2.40GHz
CPU cores:    1
Frequency:    2399.859 MHz
RAM:          983M
Swap:         –
Kernel:       Linux 4.15.0-1021-aws x86_64

loop0   87.9M  HDD
loop1   12.7M  HDD
xvda      8G  SSD

CPU: SHA256-hashing 500 MB
    3.282 seconds
CPU: bzip2-compressing 500 MB
5.570 seconds

CPU: AES-encrypting 500 MB

    1.663 seconds

ioping: seek rate
    min/avg/max/mdev = 249.4 us / 353.0
us / 5.39 ms / 151.4 us
ioping: sequential read speed
    generated 1.47 k requests in 5.00
s, 366.2 MiB, 292 iops, 73.2 MiB/s

dd: sequential write speed
    1st run:    64.66
    2nd run:    61.32 MiB/s
    3rd run:    61.13 MiB/s
    average:    62.37 MiB/s

IPv4 speedtests
    your IPv4:    54.163.88.xxxx

    Cachefly CDN:        
60.98 MiB/s

    Leaseweb (NL):       
6.55 MiB/s

    Softlayer DAL (US):  
23.52 MiB/s (FR):     
4.98 MiB/s

    OVH BHS (CA):         22.21 MiB/s

No IPv6 connectivity detected

————————————————- v2019.03.01 —
 benchmark timestamp:    2019-03-01 16:04:44 UTC

Processor:    Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU
E5-2673 v4 @ 2.30GHz
CPU cores:    1
Frequency:    2294.687 MHz
RAM:          922M
Swap:         –
Kernel:       Linux 4.15.0-1037-azure x86_64

sda     30G  HDD
sdb      4G  HDD

CPU: SHA256-hashing 500 MB
    3.527 seconds
CPU: bzip2-compressing 500 MB
    5.900 seconds
CPU: AES-encrypting 500 MB
    1.759 seconds

ioping: seek rate
    min/avg/max/mdev = 40.5 us / 1.64
ms / 48.8 ms / 8.03 ms
ioping: sequential read speed
    generated 476 requests in 5.03 s,
119 MiB, 94 iops, 23.6 MiB/s

dd: sequential write speed

    1st run:    17.07
    2nd run:    17.07 MiB/s
    3rd run:    17.07 MiB/s
    average:    17.07 MiB/s

IPv4 speedtests
    your IPv4:    52.168.16.xxxx

    Cachefly CDN:        
74.85 MiB/s
    Leaseweb (NL):        19.27 MiB/s
    Softlayer DAL (US):   42.60 MiB/s (FR):      17.30 MiB/s
    OVH BHS (CA):         50.53 MiB/s

No IPv6 connectivity detected

————————————————- v2019.03.01 —
 benchmark timestamp:    2019-03-01 16:02:49 UTC

Processor:    Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.30GHz
CPU cores:    1
Frequency:    2300.000 MHz
RAM:          581M
Swap:         –
Kernel:       Linux 4.15.0-1027-gcp x86_64

loop0     91M 
loop1   55.7M  HDD
sda     10G  HDD

CPU: SHA256-hashing 500 MB

3.259 seconds

CPU: bzip2-compressing 500 MB

    5.633 seconds

CPU: AES-encrypting 500 MB

1.280 seconds

ioping: seek rate
    min/avg/max/mdev = 363.8 us / 7.42
ms / 63.7 ms / 10.9 ms
ioping: sequential read speed
    generated 2.47 k requests in 5.00
s, 617.8 MiB, 493 iops, 123.5 MiB/s

dd: sequential write speed
    1st run:    35.76
    2nd run:    35.86 MiB/s
    3rd run:    35.86 MiB/s
    average:    35.83 MiB/s

IPv4 speedtests
    your IPv4:    35.196.31.xxxx

    Cachefly CDN:        
94.34 MiB/s
    Leaseweb (NL):        18.63 MiB/s
    Softlayer DAL (US):   30.92 MiB/s (FR):      13.99 MiB/s
    OVH BHS (CA):        
9.03 MiB/s
No IPv6 connectivity detected

Azure seems slowest one from all results. I just did another bench for a bigger size vm on Azure. I choose Standard D1 (1 vcpus, 3.5 GB memory, Max IOPS 4×500. ).
Lets see the bench result:

[netsec@CentOS7 ~]$ (curl -s | bash; curl -s                                                                                                                                                    | bash) 2>&1 | tee nench.log
------------------------------------------------- v2019.03.01 --
 benchmark timestamp:    2019-03-01 14:51:01 UTC

Processor:    Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2660 0 @ 2.20GHz
CPU cores:    1
Frequency:    2194.503 MHz
RAM:          3.3G
Swap:         -
Kernel:       Linux 3.10.0-862.11.6.el7.x86_64 x86_64

sda     30G  HDD
sdb     50G  HDD

CPU: SHA256-hashing 500 MB
    3.300 seconds
CPU: bzip2-compressing 500 MB
    9.939 seconds
CPU: AES-encrypting 500 MB
    2.646 seconds

ioping: seek rate
    min/avg/max/mdev = 87.8 us / 177.6 us / 196.0 ms / 1.35 ms
ioping: sequential read speed
    generated 14.9 k requests in 5.00 s, 3.65 GiB, 2.99 k iops, 747.1 MiB/s

dd: sequential write speed
    1st run:    11.35 MiB/s
    2nd run:    14.88 MiB/s
    3rd run:    18.31 MiB/s
    average:    14.85 MiB/s

IPv4 speedtests
    your IPv4:    13.68.179.xxxx

    Cachefly CDN:         130.72 MiB/s
    Leaseweb (NL):        19.16 MiB/s
    Softlayer DAL (US):   37.52 MiB/s (FR):      15.01 MiB/s
    OVH BHS (CA):         43.25 MiB/s

No IPv6 connectivity detected

[netsec@CentOS7 ~]$

YouTube Video:

By Jonny

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