Some special notes while using Oracle Cloud Platform (OCP).

  • Enable Password Login
  • CentOS7 Install BBR
  • VNC Connection
  • DD Oracle Cloud VM
  • Common Tasks

Enable Password Login

vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config

PermitRootLogin yes  #allow root login
PasswordAuthentication yes #allow password authentication

Centos7 Install BBR

1. switch to root
2. Rebuild grub2.cfg,Command:
grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
3. Run your
1. wget -N --no-check-certificate "" && chmod +x && ./


VNC Connection

1ssh log in   (I am using centos as root ,main folder is /root/ but following command is fine with any folder)
2、Generate auto login key. command ssh-keygen <Enter> If using password, it will be fine, but less secure.
3cat .ssh/  Copy to oracle console。
4、copyVNC Parameters(linux/mac)and write to (command:ssh -o ProxyCommand='ssh -W %h:%p -p 443 [email protected]' -N -L localhost:5900:XXXXXX:5900 XXXXXX
5ifconfig to check local IP Change '   -N -L localhost:5900'. localhost change to (Note:If you have public IP,(not from NAT)use ,Aliyun,tencent Yun all using NAT,So it has to listen on localhost IP)。
6、run sh ,you might need to enter yes ,and password for your key
7、Open local firewall 9988 port.
8、From local computer: vnc view <cloud public IP>:9988 to connect

DD Oracle Cloud VM

Notes: Only Ubuntu works in Oracle Cloud.
Ubuntu Environment Preparation:

apt-get update
apt-get install -y xz-utils openssl gawk file

Download script and install image from one of’s sharing post:

Sudo -i
wget –no-check-certificate -qO ‘’ && bash -dd ‘’

After one or two minutes, you will lose your SSH connection. Please give the machine 5-10 minutes, before you manual reboot your Ubuntu VM. During reboot, the VM status will become stopping.

The VM will maintain this stopping status for 20-25 minutes, then it will become Running status.

At that time, all imaging process, system rebooting process will be completed. You will be able to RDP to this VM’s public ip with port 3389. Please make sure you have add RDP port 3389 into your Network Security Groups.

Default RDP account for this Windows 7 64B image at :

username : administrator
password :
After log in, please change password asap. It is best also change 3389 port to others.

The system is Chinese Windows 7 64B Ultimate version. You will need to activate it by yourself. 

The default system after installed,  memory usage will be around 366MB, and CPU usage will be less than 1%. 


bash <(wget --no-check-certificate -qO- '') -d 9 -v 64 -a -firmware

default root password:

By Jon

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