Github project n.eko is a virtual browser based on the docker isolation environment, supports two types of browsers, Chrome and Firefox, and has built-in chat/simple user management functions. The UI design is very beautiful.

Project address:

The program requires a relatively high configuration, see here for details:

Here are recommended specs:

Resolution Cores Ram Recommendation
1024×576@30 2 2gb Not Recommended
1280×720@30 4 3gb Good Performance
1280×720@30 6 4gb Recommended
1280×720@30 8 4gb+ Best Performance

To run it in a low resource VPS, such as only 1GB RAM, 1vCPU, we will have to change SWAP size to make it more stable.

Firewall Ports Open

Please make sure following two firewall rules created on your cloud VPS’s firewall.

1. tcp 8080
2. udp 59000-59100

Change SWAP Size

Command (not support OpenVZ) from root user:
wget && bash
When choose add swap, please enter number for size. Default metric is MB。
In screenshot, the priority is showing 0. Script in github has set to 100.

Install Docker and Docker-Compose

Install docker:

apt -y update
apt -y install curl
curl -sSL | sh
systemctl start docker
systemctl enable docker

Install docker-compose:

curl -L`uname -s`-`uname -m` -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

Create docker-compose.yml and bring Neko docker up

Create a new docker-compose project directory and edit docker-compose.yml.

cd ~
mkdir neko
cd neko
vi docker-compose.yml

Put following code into docker-compose.yml file based on the browser type.

Chrome Image:

version: '3.5'
    image: nurdism/neko:chromium
    restart: always
      - SYS_ADMIN
      - "8080:8080"
      - "59000-59100:59000-59100/udp"
      DISPLAY: :99.0
      SCREEN_WIDTH: 1024
      SCREEN_HEIGHT: 576
      SCREEN_DEPTH: 24
      NEKO_PASSWORD: neko
      NEKO_ADMIN: admin
      NEKO_BIND: :8080

Firefox Image:

version: '3.5'
    image: nurdism/neko:firefox
    restart: always
    shm_size: "1gb"
      - "8080:8080"
      - "59000-59100:59000-59100/udp"
      DISPLAY: :99.0
      SCREEN_WIDTH: 1024
      SCREEN_HEIGHT: 576
      SCREEN_DEPTH: 24
      NEKO_PASSWORD: neko
      NEKO_ADMIN: admin
      NEKO_BIND: :8080


SCREEN_DEPTH can be changed to 16 to save some resource usage on your host VPS.

docker-compose up -d

Now you should be able to browser to your Neko’s web interface with this url : http://<public ip>:8080


Fix Chinese Font Issue


Enter into docker:

docker exec -it neko_1 bash

Install fonts in docker:

apt -y update
apt -y install ttf-wqy-zenhei

exit and restart docker using docker-compose:

docker-compose restart

If you have your own domain, you can using following steps to create https://<Sub Domain> this kind of access to Neko project with Nginx’s reverse proxy.

  • DNS sub domain created in your DNS provider, such as this sub domain,
  • Create your Nginx configuraiton. You can copy other Nginx web app’s configuration then modify it.
  • run certbot to get LetsEncrypt cerititicate and modify neko.conf file to use those certificates.
  • test https://<Sub Domain>

from Blogger

By Jon

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